Bachelor of Paramedicine: Referencing & Plagiarism


Writing at university may involve researching other people's ideas, which you can combine with your own ideas and conclusions. Learning to acknowledge other people’s work through in-text citing in addition to providing a reference list, will help differentiate between their ideas and your own. 

So why reference?

  • To show respect for the original source. Using someone else’s work as your own without properly acknowledging it is considered intellectual theft.
  • To demonstrate that you have done the research. Your teachers want to see that you have considered the experts when forming the basis of your arguments.
  • To enable the reader to follow up on a reference source. Your teacher must assess the quality of your research. Accurate referencing following a specific style will enable the reader to locate and verify your research easily.
  • To avoid plagiarism. Failure to properly acknowledge when you have used the work of others means you are implying that the idea or words are yours. This is plagiarism, and the consequences may affect your academic progress at university. 

Read the VU Academic Integrity and Preventing Plagiarism Policy for more details.

Referencing and Citing

Visit  VU EasyRef  an interactive referencing tool or check the Referencing Library Guide. They provide information referencing as well as examples of in-text citations, the reference list and various reference types in APA Style.

Watch the video to learn how to reference:

The documents here provide basic templates to create book and journal article references in APA style.