Zotero: Mendeley Web

Mendeley Web features and services

Mendeley Web features and services

In addition to acting as an online reference manager, Mendeley has many useful functions for researchers including data management, networking, resource discovery and impact metrics.

Mendeley Profiles (for networking)

Mendeley Profiles (for networking)

Mendeley Profiles are like a typical social networking profile, but with a focus on your scholarship. You can follow other Mendeley users by clicking the 'Follow' button that appears on their profile, or next to their name in search results. Following can lead to collaboration and knowledge sharing opportunities. Actions and events for users that you follow will show up in your newsfeed. This allows you to stay up to speed with your contacts' professional progress and publishing activity.

When viewing a Mendeley's user profile you can find lists of their followers and the users that they follow themselves. This can offer a quick way to grow your own network. You can also utilise Mendeley's groups functionality, which allows you to connect and collaborate with other Mendeley users. The groups function allows you to :

  • Create, curate and grow groups of people according to your needs.

  • Control who can join and add materials to your group.

  • Use private groups to collaborate directly on materials and share full papers.

  • Join existing groups dedicated to sharing knowledge on a particular subject.

  • Discover new research and potential collaborators in your field from around the world.


Mendeley Stats

Mendeley Stats

Mendeley Stats (www.mendeley.com/stats) is a new service that allows you to claim ownership of your published papers. You then received detailed statistics on these papers, allowing you to monitor their impact and see how other people are making use of your work.

Stats is powered by the Scopus Author Profile. Scopus is a database of references, developed by Elsevier to catalog the world's academic output and covers the output of more than 5,000 publishers. By analyzing the collected data, Scopus is able to automatically identify the output of individual authors and collect them together into a profile.

By connecting your Mendeley profile to your Scopus Author Profile, you are able to claim your work as identified by Scopus. This allows you to publicly promote your authored work, and access a wealth of data provided by Scopus - as well as several other Elsevier services - in the form of Stats.