Requirements by publishers and funding bodies
- Some funding bodies require you to make your work available as Open Access. (See NHRMC links below).
- When publishing a journal article, in addition you may be asked to make your research data available, depending on the data policy of that journal. If so, it is advisable to licence your data under a Creative Commons CC0 licence.
- Check the VU Open Access Mandate web page for further information about OA publishing.
Conference Papers
- Any research paper presented at a conference, symposium, public forum or lecture given as a researcher or student will require you to manage the copyright.
- You will need to get permission for the use of any third party material in your presentation and you will need to manage your copyright in your original work.
- When presenting in another country you will need to ensure that you are not infringing any copyright laws of the country where the conference is held.
- If the conference presenters wish to publish your paper or presentation, they will need to seek your permission and you may be asked to sign an agreement.
- You should read any agreement carefully as you may be required to place an embargo on publishing the material presented. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are not breaching any confidentiality agreements, privacy or the terms of your funding agreement.
- It is possible to present at a conference without having the paper published by the conference organisers. Consider where your work will have the most impact, whether as a conference paper or in a journal.
- It is always wise to check with the conference organisers as to what your copyright obligations may be and how they will treat your work for any further publication.
Social media
- Always check the 'terms and conditions' for use of material from internet or social media sites. Material put up on social media is protected by copyright and generally not available for re-use in another context.
- Privacy must be considered when using online sites with other people's information or any information collected by them.
- Any human related data collected via social media needs to be reported to the VU Human Research Ethics Committee for assessment.
- When setting up a site for collecting research data, make sure you have included terms and conditions for users so that they are informed about how the material will be used and are given an 'opt out' choice.
- Material from social media sites may be used under 'fair dealing' provisions for research and study but permission is required if you wish to publish or present the work at a conference.
- Data scraping can be used for research and study under the fair dealing provisions.
- The fair dealing exception can cover the use of big data for research and study.