Open Educational Resources: Creative Commons

Key Points

A Creative Commons Licence is applied to a work by the creator. This indicates how the work can be used and/or re-worked. The licences are a standardised way for you to use and share works created by others without infringing copyright.

Creative Commons allows use of a work without seeking permission.  There are a number of different licences which range from very open to more restrictive terms and conditions.

The suite of licences include core conditions which are:

  • BY = Attribution 
  • NC = Non Commercial
  • ND = No Deriviative
  • SA = Share Alike

For further information about these licences and their uses see the page About Licences or watch to Creative commons licensing explained video on this page.

Sharing your work: Which Licence?

Creative Commons provides a tool which guides a creator to the licence which is most suitable taking into account creator preferences.

(Click on the image)


Using the Licences

The Creative Commons website provides a search page which makes finding works for your uses very easy.

(click on the image)

image of creative commons home page

If you wish to use the work for other purposes than the uses stated on the licence you will need to seek permission from the creator of the work.

Creative commons licensing explained