ORCID: What is ORCID and why you need it

What is ORCID?

ORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID and it provides researchers with a unique identifier that enables them to distinguish themselves (disambiguate their name) and their research activity.

Having an ORCID is now an essential part of how researchers can keep track of their identity as they publish material, get grants, and gain impact, and it is open source (not proprietary). Some of the world’s largest publishers, funders, and institutions have adopted ORCID and community uptake has dramatically increased over the past year.

ORCID is not another researcher profile tool! It is an integral part of the research ecosystem as it provides the glue between different systems.


Why use ORCID?

  • It eliminates author name ambiguity and ensures your research outputs are correctly attributed to you. This means, amongst other things, all your research outputs will be captured and thereby counted towards processes such as MORA.
  • It can taken with you throughout your scholarly career.
  • It can save you time by introducing efficiencies into different workflows. For instance, it reduces the need for repeatedly typing in biographical or bibliographical data when filling in a grant applications or manuscript submissions.
  • It is increasingly becoming a requirement for grant applications and manuscript submissions.
  • It can link with a vast array of different types of research outputs and activities such as articles, datasets, performance works and even peer review work (via Publons) and can be added to your email signature, application for academic promotion or Twitter profile.
  • Because it is open source it integrates with other services including VU Elements,
  • And it’s quick and easy to set up!

Who needs an ORCID?

Any Victoria University staff or student who publishes their research should have an ORCID ID.

Click here for information on how to register for an account.


     This content is licensed to Victoria University under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Acknowledgement of Country

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Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the Ancestors, Elders and families of the Kulin Nation (Melbourne campuses), the Eora Nation (Sydney campus) and the Yulara/Yugarapul and Turrbal Nation (Brisbane campus) who are the traditional owners of University land. As we share our own knowledge practices within the University, may we pay respect to the deep knowledge embedded within the Aboriginal community and recognise their ownership of Country.

We acknowledge that the land on which we meet, learn, and share knowledge is a place of age-old ceremonies of celebration, initiation and renewal, and that the Traditional Owners living culture and practices have a unique role in the life of this region. Learn more from our Moondani Balluk Indigenous Academic Unit.