What steps should I take to remove additional ORCID accounts?
ORCID are unable to delete duplicate ORCID iDs. However, you can remove the duplicate from your Account Settings so it refers to your primary ORCID iD. So once you identify you have multiple accounts you need to decide which one you want to retain (primary).
Because ORCID identifiers are designed to be persistent, obsolete iDs will be deprecated, not completely deleted. Data on the deprecated account will be deleted, and the iD will point to your primary record, both in the user interface and the API. An example can be seen at https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6151-2200. To deprecate your duplicate record(s), start by logging into the in the primary account/iD you want to keep, go to Account settings, scroll down to Account actions and select Remove a duplicate record.
Enter the sign-in details (email address or ORCID iD, and password) for the record you want to deprecate, then click Remove duplicate record.
To confirm, click Remove duplicate record. If you have more than one record to deprecate, simply repeat this process for each additional record.