Bachelor Of Science (Osteopathy): Getting started searching the library

Steps for searching the literature

  1. The question or topic. Understand the research topic or question.
  2. Define your terms – examine your subject area and think about the keywords you will use for your research. Identify the key concepts from your topic.  Look for synonyms, alternate spellings and international variations for your subject(s). Watch the Keyword search strategies video below.  Be aware databases may use different terms to describe the same concept. It is recommended to use the database thesauri (list of subject terms) to identify keywords. In the CINAHL database look up key terms in CINAHL headings to identify terms used to describe your topic in the database.  In PubMed and Medline search the MESH list of subject headings to help you identify search terms. Use a combination of keywords and CINAHL or MESH terms in your search.
  3. Combine your search terms using Boolean operators AND; OR; NOT
  4. Database searching   Run your search in a library database. The key databases for Osteopathy literature are listed on the Databases and Journals page in this guide
  5. Review your results  Does your search retrieve articles relevant to your topic? If not, check that you have used Boolean operators correctly. Can you broaden your search by adding alternative terms (using OR)? You may need to go back to step 2 and review your search terms. If yes, do you have too many results? Can you apply any limits to your search? Can you add additional search terms (using AND) to further narrow your search?

Review the First steps section of the Finding resources guide for further resources and tips on getting started on your assessment task. 

Searching the library

Search the Library collection from the Library search box. Select books-e-books to search for books; select journal  articles  to limit  your search to journal articles. Watch the videos on this page to view step by step instructions on searching the Library. 

Searching the library - e-books

The library purchases and provides access to electronic books (e-books) for VU students and staff. You can link through to these from the library website and read them online. You will also be able to download some books for a set time to read.

These e-books are accessed through different companies and each will have different restrictions about downloading and printing. Follow this link to the library website and view the videos below for further information about accessing e-books, help guides and downloading.

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