Citation analysis and citation metrics are important to the academic community. Find out where data fits in the citation picture.
A dataset citation includes all of the same components as any other citation:
Nemenman, Ilya (2015): Data and plotting scripts file for the project. Figshare. Retrieved 23:05, Jul 22, 2015
Data citation continues the tradition of acknowledging other people’s work and ideas. Along with books, journals and other scholarly works, it is now possible to formally cite research datasets and even the software that was used to create or analyse the data.
Consider: Data citation is a relatively new concept in the scholarly landscape and as yet, is not routinely done by researchers, or expected by most journals. What could be done to encourage routine citation of research data and software associated with research outputs?
DOI (Digital Object Identifiers)
A DOI Name (DOI) is a specific type of Handle and can be assigned to any object that is a form of intellectual property. DOI should be interpreted as ‘digital identifier of an object' rather than ‘identifier of a digital object'.
Consists of a unique, case-insensitive, alphanumeric character sequence that is divided into two parts, a prefix and a suffix, separated by a forward slash.
Example: 10.1594/PANGAEA.484677
Whilst Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) are not essential for data citation, they are a very useful tool to not only track data citation metrics but to also link DOIs from journal articles and other related services (e.g. software associated with the dataset).
Contact the Library about how to gain a DOI for your dataset through the ANDS Cite My Data service -
The Force11 Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles are based on the premise that data citation, like the citation of other evidence and sources, is good research practice and is part of the scholarly ecosystem supporting data reuse.
Since they were published in 2014, the Principles have been endorsed by numerous individuals and more than 100 data centres, publishers and societies.
1. Start by reading the Force 11 Principles:
2. Then browse the list of people and organisations that have endorsed the Principles:
Consider: Given such support and clear direction, why do you think data citation has not been uniformly adopted, so far, across all disciplines?