You will need to use a variety of keywords to ensure you cover all aspects of the topic and apply the following strategies to combine them:
View the videos on Finding Resources to learn how to search for e-books and journal articles available at Victoria University Library.
EndNote is a reference management tool that helps you to save and manage bibliographic references.
Mendeley is a free online referencing system that you can use on the web and on your desktop. You can create your own fully searchable reference library, cite as you write and read and annotate your PDFs.
Dictionaries and encyclopedias are a good starting point when researching a topic as they provide definitions, explanations or general overviews. Below are links to some of the online reference resources.
Note, you can right-click on the title and select the "open link in new tab' option to view the reference book in a separate tab.
Victoria University and the VU Library provides a wide range of support services for research students and researchers.
Find out more at:
The researcher development program provides a wide range of training including classes on preparing a literature review.
Research Ambassadors offer peer-researcher support and training programs.