View the following video to learn how to access Anatomy.TV database through VU Library and get an overview of the platform.
Anatomy.TV resources (3D models, animations, MRI sections, slides, movie clips) can be saved and embedded in your e-portfolios, blogs, H5P's, PowerPoint presentations and other presentation tools such as Prezi, Canvas and Emaze.
For further information, refer to the Help page of Anatomy.TV.
The Augmented Reality (AR) add-on functionality for the Real-time product is now available. To access the AR functionality you are required to install the appropriate Primal Pictures Real-time application (app). Follow the instructions in the attached handout to install the apps on your smartphone or tablet.
The following image shows the muscles of the scapular region: posterior aspect from the AnatomyTV database - the 3D atlas module.
(Source: Primal Pictures, 2018)