Master of Clinical Exercise Science and Rehabilitation: Databases & Journals

Video databases

Citation databases


Is an abstracting and citation database of research literature and quality web sources.

Subject coverage include: Chemical sciences, Biological sciences, Medical & health sciences, Physical sciences, Mathematical sciences, Earth sciences, Agriculture, Veterinary, Environment, Psychology, Law, Philosophy, Economics, Human society, Journalism, library, Education, Arts, Management, Engineering, Language, History, Politics and policy, Architecture, Computing, Information science.

Web of Science Core Collection

Subject coverage include: The sciences, Social sciences, Arts, and humanities. Includes Conference Proceedings and Book Citation Indexes. 

SAGE Research Methods database

Having trouble finding information about different qualitative and quantitative methodologies? 

SAGE Research Methods database is the answer! Explains the different research methodologies and provides articles and book chapters about their implementation. Find under 'S' on the Library A-Z Databases page or click here: SAGE Research Methods.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar easy to search for scholarly literature. It can be a good starting point to gain an understanding of the breadth of research published on your topic.

Many VU library databases can also be searched through Google Scholar. Fulltext journal articles and research papers can be retrieved by clicking on the "Find Fulltext@VU Library" link when it appears to the right of your search results.  This will happen automatically while on-campus but may need to be set up as "Library Links" under Scholar Settings to work from off-site.

Relevant sport & exercise science databases

SPORTDiscus with Full Text

Definitive database for sports and sports medicine research, providing full-text sports medicine journals. It is an essential tool for health professionals and researchers studying fitness, health and sports.

Subjects covered include: Athletic training, coaching and education, Consumer health, Exercise science and fitness, Health education, Kinesiology, Nutrition, Occupational health and safety, Orthopedics, Physical education, Physical therapy, Sociology of sports, Sport psychology, Sports injuries and rehabilitation, Sports management, Sports sciences.

Human Kinetics Library

Has eBooks and instructional streaming videos on fitness, kinesiology, exercise, coaching, and sports.

Subject coverage include: Active aging, Biomechanics, Physiology, Physical activity and health, Sport psychology, Nutrition, and sports management.

Clinical sports medicine collection

Includes 5th edition of Brukner & Khan’s Clinical Sports Medicine and 50 masterclass videos demonstrating techniques such as injections, examinations, splints and casts. This is a practical guide to musculoskeletal medicine and physical therapy.

Subject coverage include: All aspects of diagnosis and management of sports-related injuries and physical activity and provides an authoritative foundation in sports medicine for physiotherapists, general practitioners, allied health professionals and students.


PubMed, by National Library of Medicine, includes citations for biomedical articles back to the 1950's. Citations are from MEDLINE and additional life science journals. Includes links to many sites providing full-text articles and other related resources.

Anatomy. TV

Modules include 3D Atlas, 3D Real-time, Anatomy & Physiology, Functional Anatomy - including sport injuries shoulder and knee, Therapy - including Hand therapy, Massage & Manual Therapies, Quizzes and Activities, Perceptual and Adaptive Learning Modules, and Clinical Specialities - Speech Language Pathology.


Database of scientific, technical, and medical research with variety of features and content.

Subject coverage include: Science, Technology, Medicine, Social sciences, Business.

MEDLINE with Full Text (via EBSCOHost) 

Is a tool for medical research providing full-text for top-tier medical journals.

Subject coverage include: Biomedical and health and contains information for doctors, nurses, health professionals and researchers engaged in clinical care, public health and health policy development.

CINHAL with Full Text

Offers access to full text journal articles, health care books, nursing dissertations, selected conference proceedings, standards of practice, educational software, audiovisuals and book chapters.

Subject coverage include: Nursing, Biomedicine, Health sciences librarianship, Alternative/complementary medicine, Consumer health, 17 allied health disciplines.


PsycINFO, from the American Psychological Association, contains citations and summaries of journal articles, book chapters, books and dissertations, all in psychology and related disciplines, dating as far back as 1840.

Cochrane Library

Includes six databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making, as well as information about Cochrane groups.


Indexes and abstracts all Journals@Ovid. View tables of contents and abstracts for each. Full-text is available for journals found in VU's core Lippincott Collection.

Academic Search Elite

In addition to the full text, this collection offers indexing, abstracts and access to video content from the Associated Press.

Subject coverage include: Social sciences, Humanities, Education, Computer sciences, Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Language & linguistics, Arts & literature, Medical sciences, Ethnic studies.

Proquest Central

Subject coverage include: Business, Health and Medical, Language and Literature, Social Sciences, Education, Science and Technology, Performing and Visual Arts, History, Religion, Philosophy, and includes full-text newspapers from around the world.

BioMed Central

BioMed Central is an STM (Science, Technology and Medicine) publisher and has Open Access publishing model. BioMed Central views open access to research as essential in order to ensure the rapid and efficient communication of research findings. All research articles published by BioMed Central are archived without delay in PubMed Central and several other international archives.

Wiley Online Library

Subject coverage include:  Agriculture, Aquaculture & Food Sciences, Architecture & Planning, Arts, Business, Economics, Finance & Accounting, Chemistry, Computer Science & Information Technology, Earth, Space & Environmental Sciences, Humanities, Law & Criminology, Life Sciences, Mathematics & Statistics, Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry, Healthcare, Physical Sciences & Engineering, Psychology, Social & Behavioural Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine.


Searchable index of policy documents, guidelines, think tank publications and working papers. Overton collects data from 182 countries.

MIMS Online includes Drug interactions

Is the web version of the MIMS pharmaceutical product information. Contains abbreviated and full prescribing information, consumer medicine information and product images for pharmaceuticals available in Australia. Browsing of the product information by Therapeutic Class, Generic or Brand.

Medications & nutrition online

Lists a range of drugs available in Australia that are associated with the drug:nutrition interface. Drugs are listed alphabetically by both trade name and generic name and presented in table format.


Library journals and databases

Victoria University library subscribes to a number of online databases, which collectively cover a huge range of disciplines and subjects.

Journal articles found through the VU library can be viewed, downloaded and printed to assist you with your assessments. The databases can be searched collectively through Library Search (external link) or you can search them individually on Library's A-Z Databases page. See a list of Relevant Sport and Exercise Science databases on this page.

Use library databases to find peer-reviewed, high-quality articles and research papers.

Once you have decided on which database(s) to use:

  • Enter key terms to search
  • Use advanced search options where possible
  • Separate each key term or concept into a new search box (if available)
  • Limit and refine your results using the tools available (refinement tools will differ for each database). 

Follow this link to access online videos on accessing the Library Search and Library Databases. 

What is peer review?

When an article is published in a peer-reviewed or refereed journal, it indicates that that article has been through a formal review process. It has been read by experts in the subject field before being accepted for publication. This ensures the information in the article is well-researched and contributes to the knowledge of the subject area.

Grey literature and other information sources

 For example: