Full-text databases provide a set of more specific resources than the general Library Search. The term 'full-text' indicates that the full article is located in the database. There are also research citation databases that have the details of the articles but no full-text. There are many full-text databases available through VU library specific to particular Engineering disciplines. There are a couple listed below.
Journal of Architectural Engineering
Green Magazine: Sustainable Architecture and Landscaping Design
Architectural Engineering and Design Management
Architectural Engineering and Design Management
Building Design & Construction
CTBUH Journal: Tall Buildings, Design, Construction and Operation
Environmental Design & Construction
International Journal of Architectural Research
International Journal of Architecture and Planning
Journal of Architectural Engineering
Journal of Building Performance Simulation
Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Journal
Sustainable Building & Design Magazine
Sustainable Construction & Design
The Nordic Journal of Architectural Research
The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings
Victoria University Library subscribes to the O'Reilly Online, a digital library that provides access to many books on technology, IT, web development, mobile apps, entrepreneurship, UX/IA, project management, business strategy, digital media, graphic design, engineering, maths, statistics, and many other topics. The platform also contains access to more than 30 000 hours of video, as well as interactive tutorials, case studies, learning paths and audiobooks.