IEEE, the world's largest technical professional organization, publishes a third of the world’s technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science and electronics and is a leading developer of international standards that underpin many of today's telecommunications, information technology and power generation products and services.
IEEE is represented in Australia through the Australia Council.
Australian Computer Society - ACS
The professional association for Australia's Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector.
Audio Engineering Society
The leading professional association worldwide for professionals and students involved in the audio industry.
Audio Engineering Society Melbourne Section
Useful information about the section, audio-related articles, and information about the past and forthcoming meetings for students and professional audio practitioners alike.
Engineers Australia
The national forum for the improvement of the engineering field covering different fields of engineering.
Young Engineers Australia
Facilitates the professional and personal development of young engineers.
The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM)
Professional organisation providing services to professionals engaged in all facets of the global minerals sector.
The Institution of Engineering and Technology
The largest multidisciplinary professional engineering institution in the world