This guide provides a starting point for finding and using resources in the VU Library that will support the unit NEF1104 Problem Solving for Engineers.
Use the tabs above to find out more about each topic.
This page provides information on getting started on your assignment and keyword searching strategies.
Keywords are words in an assignment question that tell you what approach you should take when answering an assignment question.
Keywords can include content, limiting (restricting), and task (instruction) words.
Assignment example:
"Managing urban traffic congestion can be costly both financially and socially. Discuss and suggest solutions for sustainable transport in Australian cities."
Content Words
Source: University of New South Wales
Limiting Words
Task Words
When you are searching for information for an essay question, assignment or project, use the identified content and limiting keywords to search for information sources in our Library Search and online.
Once you have analysed your topic and done some preliminary reading, you are ready to break down the chosen research topic into key concepts selected from both the topic and your readings. It is best to identify 2 to 4 key concepts, with each concept containing up to 2 words, which will serve as keywords or search terms you'll type in Library Search to find relevant resources. You might need to build separate search strategies for different aspects of your research as well as use a variety of keywords to ensure you cover all aspects of the topic.
Source: University of Texas Libraries
If, for example, you want to focus on battery energy storage, list your main concepts or keywords, and apply the following strategies to combine them:
View the videos in this guide to learn how to search for books, e-books and journal articles available at Victoria University Library.
Activity 1: Discuss a ‘real-world’ problem
Reflect on Activity 1: What are, according to you, the three most important steps in the inquiry process?
Responses go on Padlet (online bulletin board). Click on your tutorial group to link to it:
Block 3:
Block 4:
Reflect on Activity 3: After being introduced to the Guided Inquiry Design Process, what do you NOW think are the three most important steps in the inquiry process?
Responses go on same Padlet by clicking on your tutorial group. You could write down your response underneath the text of your previous answer on the Padlet (see the provided example).
1. Read over your assignment
2. Understand your topic
3. Collect background information
4. Read for information
5. Evaluate your resources
6. Write your assignment
Refer to the Academic Writing Advice page for help with writing challenges.
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