Template tips
Data and materials include:
- questionnaires
- recordings
- ore samples
- biological material
- assays
- test results
- transcripts
- laboratory notes
- field notes
- digital collections, datasets, databases and artefacts
- other primary or secondary data and materials
Records refer to the material form of information, related to or derived from research. Records may include:
- correspondence
- grant or ethics applications
- technical reports
- signed consent forms
- information sheets for research participants
The VU Research Data and Materials Plan template is five pages long, we appreciate this is a long form covering many possibilities. Many fields in the form are optional and some may not apply to your research. Ony the items with with a red star * are essential, these include:
- Project description
- Data and materials contacts
- List of data and materials and where they'll be stored
- Access and security
- Retention period
The template is an online form so it can be easily submitted upon competion. If the email button isn't working, try the option "Internet Email" to create an attachment. Or save a copy and email to eResearch@vu.edu.au.