APA 7th Referencing: Overview

This guide is an introduction to the APA (American Psychological Association) referencing system. It is based on  the APA's official style guide:

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). https://doi.org/10.1037/0000165-000

Before you write your reference list or bibliography, check with academic/teaching staff which style they prefer you to use and refer to the instructions included with your assessments.

Information about why you need to reference is available in the Academic Integrity at VU guide.

Library APA workshops are available every block. See Library Hub – Referencing workshops for more details.

Select the 'cc' on the video to turn on/off the captions.

American Psychological Association (APA) resources

Advice on APA 7th style can be found on the official APA style blog and official APA Style website.

Specific links:

Note: Reference examples in this guide contain no live links or live DOIs as live links do not display well and do not resolve to authenticated full text content. Refer to the Getting Started page for guidance regarding live links/DOIs in APA referencing.

Australian Aboriginal Flag


Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the Ancestors, Elders and families of the Kulin Nation (Melbourne campuses), the Eora Nation (Sydney campus) and the Yulara/Yugarapul and Turrbal Nation (Brisbane campus) who are the traditional owners of University land. As we share our own knowledge practices within the University, may we pay respect to the deep knowledge embedded within the Aboriginal community and recognise their ownership of Country.

We acknowledge that the land on which we meet, learn, and share knowledge is a place of age-old ceremonies of celebration, initiation and renewal, and that the Traditional Owners living culture and practices have a unique role in the life of this region. Learn more from our Moondani Balluk Indigenous Academic Unit.


     This content is licensed to Victoria University under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.