Bachelor of Speech and Language Sciences/Master of Speech Pathology: Getting started

Steps to a successful assignment

1.    Collect all your information about the assessment task

  • the handout on the assignment (due date, word limit, formatting, presentation, marking guide)
  • the type of sources required for your Reference List e.g. books, journal articles
  • notes from classes on how to complete the task

2.    Analyse and prepare

  • read your notes and class readings for direction
  • do a mind map on the topic- use questions to expand the ideas and knowledge you already have
  • do some preliminary research to expand your ideas
  • from your mind map write some points grouped under general headings
  • where there are gaps in information (or more detail or examples needed) write down some questions that you can research
  • identify keywords & search the Library for additional sources e.g. books, journal articles (see the box below for an example of how to break down a topic into Keywords, see the videos in this guide on searching for journal articles)
  • write a plan  
  • what information do you already have? what further information do you need?

3.    Read for Information

  • read Required Reading and make notes
  • read the additional articles etc. for information not in the Required Reading
  • prepare each Reference as you read it, ensure it is written in the APA 7th edition referencing style. See the APA referencing guide for further assistance

4.    Start writing

  • collect notes from your reading and start  writing
  • write the correct References for each of your readings for your Reference

Identifying keywords for searching

Watch this video to learn how to identify keywords when searching for information on a topic

VU Library Search Overview

This video provides an overview of the VU Library search, demonstrating how to search for books and journal articles. 

Communication Tool Kit