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Facing our current climate emergency, there has never been a more critical time to work towards planetary health in a way that empowers and provides hope to young people. The Living Lab is a circular, regenerative precinct that emphasises innovation in planetary health. It leverages regenerative food systems to innovatively grow ways of belonging, nourishing, learning and thriving.
Working with award winning social enterprise, STREAT, this project will include a series of projects and initiatives that engage VU students and young people in new ways of learning to equip them with the skills to become future innovators and empowered to contribute to environmental action and change.
This guide brings together a collection of articles and other resources from a range of disciplines to facilitate learning and action for regenerative action.
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Our world our say: National survey of children and young people on climate change and disaster risk
Young People's Voices on Climate Anxiety, Government Betrayal and Moral Injury: A Global Phenomenon
Young people of Australia and climate change: Perceptions and concerns
Global youth activism on climate change
Questioning the canon: Colonial history, counter-memory and youth activism
The design of critical place-based inquiry
Relational validity and the "where" of inquiry: Place and land in qualitative research
Place, land, and the decolonization of the settler soul
Decolonisation, reinhabitation and reconciliation: Aboriginal and place-based education
Critical Indigenous pedagogy of place: A framework to Indigenize a food justice movement
A deeper meaning of sustainability: Insights from indigenous knowledge
Old ways for new days: Australian Indigenous peoples and climate change
To address the ecological crisis, Aboriginal people must be restored as custodians of Country
Eating as settler-colonial act: Food justice and Indigenous sovereignty
Why Aboriginal people need autonomy over their food supply
Systemic resilience: Principles and processes for a science of change in contexts of adversity
Campus community gardens and student health: A case study of a campus garden and student well-being
Cultivating community collaboration and community health through community gardens
Relating to nature, food and community in community gardens
The motivations and experiences of community garden participants in Edinburgh, Scotland
Sustainability: Through cross-cultural community garden activities
3 ways community gardens often exclude migrants and refugees — and how to turn this around
School-community gardens plant the seeds of change to address global warming
Growing a garden can also bloom eco-resilient, cross-cultural, food-sovereign communities
At a New York City garden, students grow their community roots and critical consciousness
Grassroots projects make urban sustainability a way of life
If you took to growing veggies in the coronavirus pandemic, then keep it up when lockdown ends
Building a ‘second nature’ into our cities: wildness, art and biophilic design
Can’t go outside? Even seeing nature on a screen can improve your mood
Biodiversity and our brains: how ecology and mental health go together in our cities
Green for wellbeing – science tells us how to design urban spaces that heal us
Biophilic urbanism: how rooftop gardening soothes souls
Access to nature has always been important; With COVID-10, it is essential
The rise of ‘eco-anxiety’: climate change affects our mental health, too
Food, identity and belonging: a case study of South African-Australians
How to study ethnic food: senses, power, and intercultural studies
1. Larger than life: Injecting hope into the planetary health paradigm
The Planetary Health resources at VU Library Guide points to relevant information available through VU Library, open access content, and links to VU research. Content is organised by themes aligned to Planetary Health Alliance resource areas and Victoria University priorities.
This Library Guide contains information relevant to students and staff, and there is useful content for those from research as well as learning & teaching areas. It provides a beginning to the exploration of Planetary Health.
Using stories, narratives, and storytelling in energy and climate change research
Narrative: An ontology, epistemology and methodology for pro-environmental psychology research
Telling stories: Narrative approaches in qualitative research
Beyond net zero: A systematic design approach
Urban living labs: A living lab way of working