Graduate Diploma in Migration Law : AGLC4 Referencing (Migration Law Sources)

AGLC4 Referencing in the Graduate Diploma in Migration Law

This guide contains information about how to reference migration law materials including Acts, regulations, reported cases, unreported cases, PAM3, ministerial directions and instruments.  It also contains advice for students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma in Migration Law about repeated references.

Please see the VU AGLC4 Guide for more information about AGLC4 referencing, including information about how to reference books, journal articles, internet materials, and other sources.


On this Page

Act, Regulation, Reported Case, Unreported Case, PAM3, Ministerial Direction, Instrument

Frequently Asked Questions
Check the most frequently asked questions (and answers) about referencing migration law sources

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AGLC4 Examples


When referring to an Act, follow this format:​

Migration Act 1958 (Cth).

Two important things to note:

  • The title of the Act including the year is in italics.
  • This is a Commonwealth Act.  Commonwealth is abbreviated as Cth.  The abbreviation is enclosed within round brackets.


Pinpoint references are often to a specific section within the Act.  If you are making a reference to a specific section of the Act, then the reference should be as follows:​

Migration Act 1958 (Cth) s 5C.
Title Year Jurisdiction Pinpoint
Migration Act 1958 (Cth) s 5C

Four important things to note:

  • A specific section is called a pinpoint reference. In this instance, it is section 5C.
  • Use the abbreviation s for section (when referring to one section).
  • Use the abbreviation ss for sections (when referring to more than one section).
  • Footnotes may include pinpoints, but a bibliography should not.


IMPORTANT:  You may use the Migration legislation Collection textbook, but you must reference the legislation directly – not the book. 

You can find more information about referencing Acts in our main AGLC4 guide.


The Migration Regulations 1994 (Cth) is legislation that is delegated from the Migration Act 1958 (Cth).​

To reference regulations, follow this format:​

Migration Regulations 1994 (Cth).

Two important things to note:

  • The title of the regulations and year is in italics.
  • These are Commonwealth regulations.  Commonwealth is abbreviated as Cth.  The abbreviation is enclosed within round brackets.


When referring to a Regulation and a specific reference within the Regulations (a pinpoint reference), follow this format:​

Migration Regulations 1994 (Cth) sch 2 cl 010.211.  ​
Title Year Jurisdiction Pinpoint
Migration Regulations 1994 (Cth) sch 2 cl 010.211.

In this example, the pinpoint reference for schedule 2 clause 010.211 of the Migration Regulations1994 (Cth) is abbreviated to sch 2 cl 010.211.

Migration Regulations 1994 (Cth) sch1 item 1104BA (2)(a).
Title Year Jurisdiction Pinpoint
Migration Regulations 1994 (Cth) sch 1 item 1104BA(2)(a).

In this example, the pinpoint reference for schedule 1 item 1104BA paragraph (2)(a) of the Migration Regulations1994 (Cth) is abbreviated to sch 1 item 1104BA(2)(a).  (note that item is not abbreviated, and paragraph or para is not used - only the number appears for the paragraph).


Migration (Migration Agents Code of Conduct) Regulations 2021 (Cth) s 10.​
Title Year Jurisdiction Pinpoint
Migration (Migration Agents Code of Conduct) Regulations 2021 (Cth) s 10.

NOTE: The pinpoint reference for  the Migration (Migration Agents Code of Conduct) Regulations 2021 (Cth) is abbreviated to s for section.


Remember​, footnotes may include pinpoints, but a bibliography should not.

IMPORTANT: You may use the Migration legislation Collection textbook, but you must reference the legislation directly – not the book. 

You can find more information about referencing Acts in our main AGLC4 guide.


A reported case is one that has been published in a law report.  A law report is a publication that publishes cases.  

The required format is:  

Al-Kateb v Godwin (2004) 219 CLR 562, 571.​


Case Name (italic font) Year Volume Abbreviation for Law Report Starting Page Pinpoint
Al-Kateb v Godwin (2004) 219 CLR 562, 571.

In this example, the pinpoint reference to to page 571.

Two important things to note:

  • The case name should always be in italic font, wherever it appears in your assignment.
  • The pinpoint points the reader to a particular page within the case.
  • Footnotes may include pinpoints, but a bibliography should not.

You can find more information about referencing case law in our main AGLC4 guide.


An unreported case is one that has not been published in a law report.  A law report is a publication that publishes cases.  

The required format is:  

Zhang v Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs [2021] FCCA 2030, [23].
Case Name Year Unique Court Identifier Judgment Number Pinpoint
Zhang v Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs [2021] FCCA 2030 [33].

The case in this example was the 2030th case delivered by the Federal Circuit Court of Australia in 2021.  

Four important things to note:

  • The case name should always be in italic font, wherever it appears in your assignment.
  • The pinpoint points the reader to a particular paragraph within the case (unreported judgments do not have page numbers).
  • Footnotes may include pinpoints, but a bibliography should not.

You can find more information about referencing case law in our main AGLC4 guide.


To reference the Procedures Advice Manual, follow this format:​

Department of Home Affairs (Cth), Procedures Advice Manual 3: Refugee and Humanitarian – Complementary Protection Guidelines (27 February 2021) [3.3.2].


Author Publication Tile Policy Title Stack Date Paragraph Pinpoint.
Department of Home Affairs (Cth) Procedures Advice Manual 3: Refugee and Humanitarian – Complementary Protection Guidelines 27 February 2021 [3.3.2]

Four things to note:

  • Where the author is a government department, the name should be followed by the abbreviation for the jurisdiction.  
  • The publication and policy titles should be in italic font.
  • The paragraph number must be enclosed within square brackets.
  • Footnotes may include pinpoints, but a bibliography should not.
  • If there isn't a paragraph number to use for a pinpoint, then use the title of the paragraph as the pinpoint.  E.g. ('Content of Notification')


Follow this format to reference ministerial directions:

Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs (Cth), Direction No 90: Visa Refusal and Cancellation under Section 501 and Revocation of a Mandatory Cancellation of a Visa under Section 501CA (15 April 2021) para 9.4.1.


Author Title Date Pinpoint
Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs (Cth) Direction No 90: VIsa Refusal and Cancellation under Section 501 and Revocation of a Mandatory Cancellation of a Visa under Section 501CA  (15 April 2021) para 9.4.1.

Four things to note:

  • Where the author is a government minister, the minister's title should be followed by the abbreviation for the jurisdiction.  
  • The title should be in italic font.
  • The title should be in title case.  It should not be in all uppercase or in sentence case.
  • The pinpoint will usually be to a paragraph use the abbreviation para for paragraph.


Follow this format to reference legislative instruments:

Department of Home Affairs (Cth), Migration (LIN 20/102: Arrangements for Student (Temporary) (Class TU) Visa Applications) Instrument 2020 (24 February 2020) s 6(1)(a).

Author Title Date Pinpoint
Department of Home Affairs (Cth) Migration (LIN 20/102: Arrangements for Student (Temporary) (Class TU) Visa Applications) Instrument 2020  (24 February 2020) s 6(1)(a).

Five things to note:

  • Where the author is a government department, the department name should be followed by the abbreviation for the jurisdiction.  
  • The title should be in italic font.
  • The title should be in title case.  It should not be in all uppercase or in sentence case.
  • The date should be the date of commencement. If you are not sure what the date of commencement is then check the endnotes when available.
  • The pinpoint will often be to a section - use the abbreviation s for section.

Ibid and Repeated References - Specific advice for students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma in Migration Law

It is recommended that students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma in Migration Law not use the rule for ibid (AGLC4 1.4.3), or the general rule for subsequent references (AGLC4 1.4.1).  Instead, it is recommended that students completing assessments in the Graduate Diploma in Migration Law repeat citations in full.

Repeated Citations - Example

1  Al-Kateb v Godwin (2004) 219 CLR 562, 567 ('Al-Kateb').
2  Migration Act 1958 (Cth) s 5C.
3  Ibid s 73.
4  Ibid s 97A.
5  Al-Kateb (n 1) 580.

1  Al-Kateb v Godwin (2004) 219 CLR 562, 567.
2  Migration Act 1958 (Cth) s 5C.
3  Migration Act 1958 (Cth) s 73.
4  Migration Act 1958 (Cth) s 97A.
5  Al-Kateb v Godwin (2004) 219 CLR 562, 580.

VU EasyRef

VU EasyRef is an easy-to-use, interactive, mobile based referencing tool for AGLC4, and other referencing styles. Scan the QR code to access VU EasyRef on your mobile.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I refer to more than one source in a footnote?

Yes. Use a semicolon to separate each source.


Where should I position the footnote numbers in my text?

Footnote numbers should generally be positioned after the full-stop at the end of the sentence.  However, you can position them in a sentence, after relevant text, if necessary for clarity.  


Can I give a source a short title?

Yes. The first reference to a source should always provide the full title.  At the end of the first reference, after any pinpoints, a short title may be assigned.  The short title should be in italic font, if the full title was required to be in italic font.  And it should be enclosed with round brackets and single quotes. Once a short title is introduced, it may be used in place of the full title.  Short titles may be introduced and used in footnotes and the text. Please see AGLC 4 rule 1.4.4. for more information.


First Reference:

Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977 (Cth) s 12 ('ADJR Act')

Subsequent References:


How should I refer to two or more non-consecutive pinpoints within legislation?

Use a comma to separate non-consecutive pinpoint references. Remember to use  plural abbreviation of the highest level in the pinpoint reference.


ss 7, 21.  [means sections 7 and 21]

ss 3(1), (5).   [means sections 3(1) and 3(5)]


How should I refer to two or more consecutive pinpoints within legislation?

Use an en-dash to separate consecutive pinpoint references. Remember to use  plural abbreviation of the highest level in the pinpoint reference.


ss 3-6.   [means sections 3 to 6]

cls 5(a)-(d).   [means clauses 5(a) to 5(d)]


Where can I find a list of abbreviations for use in pinpoint references to legislation?

AGLC4 rules 3.1.4 and 3.4 list abbreviations to be used.  


Should the abbreviations for pinpoint references in legislation be used in the text of my assignment?

Yes, but not as the first word in a sentence.


It is likely that the Migration Act 1958 (Cth) s 5F would not...

Section 5F would not...


If I refer to legislation in the text of my assignment, and give the title, year and jurisdiction of the Legislation as well a specific pinpoint, do I need to repeat the information in a footnote

No. If all the information is already in the text you do not need to also include a footnote.


According to the Migration Act 1958 (Cth) s 133A  ... (note: no footnote is included)


When referencing an Instrument what date do I include?

The date should be the date of commencement. If you are not sure what the date of commencement is then check the endnotes when available.


When referencing PAM3 what date do I include?

The date you include is the 'stack date', which is given in the breadcrumbs near the top left of the screen when viewing PAM3 in the Legend database.

If the stack date is a range then write the date as a range. For example:

Department of Home Affairs (Cth), Procedures Advice Manual 3:Sch3-Additional Criteria to Unlawful Non-Citizens and Certain Bridging Visa Holders (01 July 2013 - 15 August 2013).


How can I pinpoint reference policy in PAM3 if it doesn't have a paragraph number?

Use the paragraph number if there is one.  But, if there isn't a paragraph number to use for a pinpoint, then use the title of the paragraph as the pinpoint.  E.g. ('Content of Notification')


Can I leave out a section heading in the bibliography if I don't have any sources to list under it?

Yes. You can omit a heading and renumber the remaining headings.


A Cases

B Legislation

C Other


Under which heading in the bibliography should I put Ministerial Directions?

You could use either Legislation or Other. However, it is important to be consistent. If you have more than one Ministerial Direction make sure you put them all under the same heading. 

Although either heading may be used, we would suggest putting these sources under the heading Other, and leave Legislation for items that are more strictly Legislation. 


Under which heading in the bibliography should I put Legislative Instruments?

You could use either Legislation or Other. However, it is important to be consistent. If you have more than one Legislative Instrument make sure you put them all under the same heading. 

Although either heading may be used, we would suggest putting these sources under the heading Other, and leave Legislation for items that are more strictly Legislation. 


Under which heading in the bibliography should I put PAM3?

Under the heading Other.

This is not legislation, but commentary about the legislation. Therefore it does not come under the heading Legislation, but rather under the heading Other.


What information is included in the bibliography entry for PAM3?

Include all the information from the footnote minus the pinpoint and the full stop. 

Therefore if the footnote is:

Department of Home Affairs (Cth), Procedures Advice manual 3: Refugee and Humanitarian - Complementary Protection Guidelines (27 February 2021) [3.3.2].

Then the bibliography is:

Department of Home Affairs (Cth), Procedures Advice manual 3: Refugee and Humanitarian - Complementary Protection Guidelines (27 February 2021) 


Where can I find the AGLC4 suggested heading styles?

AGLC4 rule 1.12.   Note that the rule is a suggestion only.