Oxford Referencing: Newspapers

Basic format to reference a newspaper article

Format for footnotes from a newspaper article:

1 A. Author, 'Title of article', Title of Newspaper in Italics, day month year, Section of Newspaper if applicable, page number.


1 S. Crafti, 'Winning design moored in Spain', The Age, 25 August 2010, Business Day, p. 16.

Note: in your Reference List the author's initials come after the surname and the full range of the article's pages is added, see examples below.

Material Type Footnote Example Reference List Example

Newspaper article

1 H. Cook, 'Shining Light on Unsung Heroes', The Age, 25 March 2019, p. 9.

An article obtained from the Library Search, a Library Database, or E-reserve is referenced in the same way as a print article.

Cook, H., 'Shining Light on Unsung Heroes', The Age25 March 2019, p. 9.

Newspaper article from a Website

1 D. Le Gallienne, 'Goossens Made Musical History', The Argus, 23 November 1954, p. 7, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/23462157?searchTerm=
Limits=l-title=13, (accessed 13 September 2018).

Le Gallienne, D., 'Goossens Made Musical History', The Argus, 23 November 1954, p. 7, https://trove.nla.
20%20%20%20&searchLimits=l-title=13, (accessed 13 September 2018).

Newspaper article no author

'Art for Metro Tunnel', The Age, 25 March 2019, p. 2.

 'Art for Metro Tunnel', The Age, 25 March 2019, p. 2.