SFS6002 Sport Integrity and Ethics: Overview

For Master of Sport Business and Integrity, and the Master of Sport Science (Football Performance).

On this page

This page provides information on getting started on your research and keyword searching strategies.

Keyword searching strategies video

Keyword search strategies

Once you have analysed your topic and done some preliminary reading you are ready to break down the topic into areas for research.The next step is to identify keywords that you can use to search for information on your topic. Use these words in Library Search to find relevant resources.

Select  keywords from both the topic and your readings. Keywords can be single words or phrases. You will need to use a variety of keywords to ensure you cover all aspects of the topic and apply the following strategies to combine them

  • using the Boolean logic (AND OR & NOT), for example, leadership AND integrity
  • think of possible synonyms and related words or phrases, for example, participation OR involvement OR membership 
  • search exact phrases by enclosing the phrase in quotes, for example, "anti-match fixing"
  • find a term with variant spelling  by using a hash (#), for example, entering  behavio#r will find both behavior and behaviour
  • find a term with various endings by using as a truncation symbol represented by an asterisk (*), for example, inactiv* will retrieve inactive, inactivity and inactivities
  • group terms together by placing them in parentheses, for example, (domestic violence)

View the videos in this guide to learn how to search for books, e-books and journal articles available  at  Victoria University Library.

Support for researchers

Victoria University and the VU Library provides a wide range of support services for researchers.

Find out more at: https://www.vu.edu.au/researchers

The researcher development program provides a wide range of training including classes on preparing a literature review.


Research Ambassadors offer peer-researcher support and training programs.