VU Systematic Literature Reviews: Run your search on other databases

Guidelines and standards

'If a tool was used to automatically translate search strings for one database to another, specify the tool used.' PRISMA 2020 Explanation and Elaboration, p. 7

Search syntax

Different databases use different search syntax, operators, and field codes. When you are remapping your master search to your chosen databases, it is important to consider whether you will need to adapt any aspects of your search strategy such as phrase searches, truncation, wildcards, and adjacency. For example, a search for TITLE-ABS-KEY (vaccination) in Scopus will show you all citations with the word ‘vaccination’ in the title, abstract, or keywords, but a search for TITLE-ABS-KEY (vaccination) in Web of Science will not work at all. Invariably the help section of each database will include a list of the syntax, operators and field codes used by that database. Make an appointment with a librarian for help remapping your search to various databases. 

The following guides from the University of South Australia demonstrate the types of syntax and field code adjustments that may need to be made when translating a search to different database. 


Remapping your MEDLINE search to Scopus

Now that your search strategy has been tested and refined, it is time to remap your search to other databases. The following demonstrates how a MEDLINE strategy should be adjusted to search Scopus:


(MH infant OR MH child OR TX toddler OR TX infant OR TX child* OR MH paediatrics OR TX pediatric OR TX paediatric) AND (MH internet-based intervention OR TX distraction OR TX distraction w3 techniques OR TX distraction w3 intervention OR MH attention OR TX attention OR MH cognitive behavioural therapy OR TX cognitive techniques OR TX listening w3 music OR MH music OR TX talk* OR TX behavioural w3 techniques OR TX video* OR TX computer OR TX games OR TX interactive books OR TX interactive toys OR TX virtual reality OR MH virtual reality) AND (TX Pain OR MH pain OR MH pain threshold OR MH pain perception OR MH pain management OR TX anxiety OR MH anxiety OR TX needle-related pain OR TX immunization pain OR TX immunisation pain OR MH psychological distress OR TX distress OR MH crying OR TX crying OR TX procedural pain OR MH pain, procedural) AND (MH immunization OR TX immunization OR TX immunisation OR MH vaccination OR TX vaccination OR MH needles OR TX needles OR MH injections OR TX injections)



#1 INDEXTERMS ( infant )
#2 INDEXTERMS ( child )
#3 TITLE-ABS-KEY ( toddler )
#4 TITLE-ABS-KEY ( infant )
#5 INDEXTERMS ( paediatrics )
#6 TITLE-ABS-KEY ( pediatric )
#7  #1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5 OR #6 
#8 INDEXTERMS ( internet-based intervention )
#9 TITLE-ABS-KEY ( distraction ) 
#10 TITLE-ABS-KEY ( distraction w/3 techniques ) 
#11 TITLE-ABS-KEY ( distraction w/3 intervention) 
#12 INDEXTERMS ( attention )
#13 TITLE-ABS-KEY ( attention ) 
#14 INDEXTERMS ( cognitive behavioural therapy )
#15 TITLE-ABS-KEY (“cognitive techniques”) 
#16 TITLE-ABS-KEY ( listening w/3 music ) 
#17 INDEXTERMS ( music )
#18 TITLE-ABS-KEY ( talk* ) 
#19 TITLE-ABS-KEY ( behavioural w/3 techniques )
#20 TITLE-ABS-KEY ( video* )
#21 TITLE-ABS-KEY ( computer )
#22 TITLE-ABS-KEY ( games )
#23 TITLE-ABS-KEY ( “interactive books” )
#24 TITLE-ABS-KEY ( “interactive toys” )
#25 TITLE-ABS-KEY ( “virtual reality” )
#26 INDEXTERMS ( virtual reality )
#27 #8 OR #9 OR #10 OR #11 OR #12 OR #13 OR #14 OR #15 OR #16 OR #17 OR #18 OR #19 OR #20 OR #21 OR #22 OR #23 OR #24 OR #25 OR #26
#28 TITLE-ABS-KEY ( pain )
#29 INDEXTERMS ( pain )
#30 INDEXTERMS ( pain threshhold )
#31 INDEXTERMS ( pain perception )
#32 INDEXTERMS ( pain management )
#33 TITLE-ABS-KEY ( anxiety )
#34 INDEXTERMS ( anxiety )
#35 TITLE-ABS-KEY ( “needle-related pain” )
#36 TITLE-ABS-KEY ( “immuni?ation pain” )
#37 INDEXTERMS ( psychological distress )
#38 TITLE-ABS-KEY ( distress )
#39 INDEXTERMS ( crying )
#40 TITLE-ABS-KEY ( crying )
#41 TITLE-ABS-KEY ( “procedural pain” )
#42 INDEXTERMS ( pain, procedural )
#43 #28 OR #29 OR #30 OR #31 OR #32 OR #33 OR #34 OR #35 OR #36 OR #37 OR #38 OR #39 OR #40 OR #41 OR #42
#44 #7 AND #27 AND #43