The terms "search filters" and "hedges" are used interchangeably throughout this guide, however there is a slight difference between the two: search filters refer to methods that refine static concepts, such as study design, whereas hedges deal with subject materials. Depending on the research topic, you may be able to save time in constructing your search by using specific search filters (also called canned searches, clinical queries, or optimal search strategies). Search filters usually include a series of pre-elaborated keywords/phrases plus subject headings for a given concept, idea, or study design to find literature within a particular database, e.g., for the MEDLINE database on a given concept.
Watch this video from Yale University for an introduction to pre-made search strategies and suggestions of where to find validated hedges.
Make an appointment with a librarian for help identifying relevant filters for your search.
Below are links to some commonly used filters you may find useful.
A list of commonly used filters from the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH). Note that these filters have not been validated against a gold standard set of articles, and should probably not be used for a systematic review, but maybe useful for other types of reviews.
Cochrane Handbook, part 2, chapter 4, section 4.4.7: Search filters
Includes filters to identify randomised controlled trials in a number of databases
'...lists known filters of interest to researchers producing technology assessments' - multiple categories, for example adverse effects; age groups; guidelines; qualitative research; systematic reviews; quality of life
Filters include: systematic reviews; randomised controlled trials; observational studies; diagnostic studies; economic studies; patient issues
Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health. Filters include: systematic reviews/meta-analysis/health technology assessment; randomised controlled trials; guidelines; economic evaluations/cost/economic models; health utilities/quality of life; narrow economic filter
Includes: Integrated care; Bereavement, Grief and Loss; Contraception; Dementia; Opthalmology; Heart Failure; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health; Lung Cancer; Palliative Care; Primary Health Care; Residential Aged Care; Stroke
A range of search filters for use in MEDLINE and Embase - primarily focused on current health topics, diseases, and treatments. Most are not validated
This scoping review identifies 58 filters across a range of topics. Damarell, R. A., May, N., Hammond, S., Sladek, R. M., & Tieman, J. J. (2019). Health Information & Libraries Journal, 36(1), 4-40.
Filters include: therapy, diagnosis, review, prognosis, causation (etiology), economics, cost, clinical prediction guides, qualitative
Filters include: meta-analyses and systematic reviews; controlled and/or longitudinal studies
BMJ Clinical Evidence Study design search filters
CareSearch Search filters for palliative care, heart failure, dementia, residential aged care and dementia.
McMaster / Health Informatics Research Unit Hedges Search filters or hedges to improve retrieval of scientifically sound and clinically relevant study reports from large, general-purpose, biomedical research bibliographic databases including MEDLINE, EMBASE, and PsycINFO.