Copyright for teaching at VU: Presentations - Top 5 tips

Check material for copyright status before uploading.



Know who owns the work you are presenting and attribute accordingly - even if it is your own.  


Know where your images come from and attribute accordingly, including copyright or Creative Commons (CC) information.


You need to stop recording when playing video (Youtube, DVD).



Ensure permission is sought from guest speakers if recording the class/presentation. 

What cannot be recorded / captured

When recording your classes or capturing presentations using Personal Capture, Zoom or other software:

YOU CANNOT use (unless you get written permission):

  • Commercial films/videos including those borrowed from the library. An option when showing any commercial video in class is to suspend the session recording whilst you show this material.
  • Material from YouTube (unless it has a CC type licence or allows you to embed).
  • Music outside the repertoire (unless in the public domain or under Creative Commons-type licence).
  • Commercial films or YouTube content when recording on Zoom as this is infringing copyright and would require permission.

ALWAYS check the terms and conditions of your presentation content especially when planning to record on ZOOM.

YOU CAN use:

  • content that has been broadcast and has been accessed via Clickview or other library sources.