Keywords can include content (topic), limiting (restricting), and task (instruction) words.
Assignment example:
"Determine the effect of physical activity (PA) on metabolic syndrome markers in people with T2DM"
Content Words
Source: University of New South Wales
Limiting Words
Task Words
When you are searching for information for an essay question, assignment or project, use the identified content and limiting keywords to search for information sources in our Library Search and online.
Consider the sample assignment topic: "Determine the effect of physical activity (PA) on metabolic syndrome markers in people with T2DM".
Once you have analysed your topic and done some preliminary reading, you are ready to break down the chosen research topic into key concepts selected from both the topic and your readings. It is best to identify 2 to 4 key concepts, with each concept containing up to 2 words, which will serve as keywords or search terms you'll type in Library Search to find relevant resources. You might need to build separate search strategies for different aspects of your research as well as use a variety of keywords to ensure you cover all aspects of the topic.
Source: University of Texas Libraries
For example, focusing on the assignment topic, listed are the main concepts or keywords: 'metabolic syndrome markers', and 'physical activity', and the narrower concepts, such as 'people with T2DM'. Alternatively, you could use synonymous (related), or broader and narrower terms, such as:
metabolic syndrome
markers OR biomarkers
physical activity OR exercise
Apply the following strategies to combine them:
effect AND (physical activity OR exercise OR fitness) AND (metabolic syndrome OR insulin resistance syndrome) AND (T2DM OR Type 2 Diabetes)
Boolean Operators are the words AND, OR, and NOT used in library databases that can make searches more precise, and save you time by removing the need to go through all the search results in order to find the most relevant articles. For example, when searching on the topic of diabetes mellitus (T2DM) related to obesity among the elderly and investigating the interrelation between genes and environmental factors in type 2 diabetes, you could apply the following terms and operators:
AND narrows the search resulting in more focused results, for instance, searching for “obesity” AND "diabetes", all articles in your result will include both concepts (keywords)
OR broadens the search by instructing the database to search for any of the words, which is particularly useful for synonyms or related terms, i.e. “geriatric” OR “elderly” OR “senior”
NOT narrows the search by instructing the database to remove all unnecessary search results, for example “cloning” NOT “sheep”
Link through to the library website
Many (but not all) VU Library resources can be accessed through VU Library Search. Keywords or search terms can be entered in the search box.
The library also provides tools to allow users to search for the book, journal article, video, or newspaper whether in physical or electronic format. These tools are located below the main search box on the library website. Consider the text listed under each of the search tools.
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