Bachelor of Business: Accounting

Accounting and Auditing Standards

The Australian Accounting and Auditing Standards database gives you access to the latest Australian Accounting and Auditing Standards and Interpretations. The database can be accessed via the VU Library website under Databases A-Z.
International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation

The International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation is responsible for developing International Financial Reporting Standards (formerly International Accounting Standards), and promotes the use and application of these standards.

The IFRS Foundation offers free access to the current year's consolidated unaccompanied English language Standards and official Interpretations (this includes IFRS, IAS, IFRIC and SIC*). 'Unaccompanied' means without the Implementation Guidance and the Basis for Conclusions. The Technical Summaries of the Standards is available in a number of languages.
The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB)

The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) functions as an independent standard-setting body under the auspices of thInternational Federation of Accountants (IFAC). The IAASB is responsible for establishing  international standards for auditing, assurance, quality control and other related standards. 

Glossary of Defined Terms/ Australian Accounting and Auditing Standards

Look up terms in alphabetical order in the AASB Glossary. Published 2015.
