EndNote: Overview

Using EndNote to manage your references and format your bibliography

About this guide

This guide is designed as an introduction to using the EndNote reference management program, as well as providing supplementary support materials . You may find this guide sufficient to get started, however we recommend following it up with a training session offered by the Library:



It is vitally important that you take a moment to consider where you are going to store your EndNote library.

If the storage location is a network drive or an external drive, this can pose a latency issue with saving and sending information that can disrupt the library. Even more disruptive can be ANY process that attempts to copy EndNote Library files while the EndNote library is open.
This includes any backup process that dynamically scans, and transfers data. Please avoid iCloud, DropBox, OneDrive, SuiteSync, GoogleDrive, Box, etc.[1]

It is recommended that Mac users read the following article before proceeding with Endnote:



[1]Alfasoft. Storage location for Endnote libraries. Sweden: Alfasoft, 2021. https://support.alfasoft.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001311578


EndNote No-No's

What is EndNote?

EndNote is a bibliographic management software application that allows you to create a personalised database of references. References can be entered manually, or imported from sources such as the Library journals and databases, or Google Scholar.

EndNote can be used to insert in-text references into your documents, and create reference lists or bibliographies for assignments, research papers, theses, or articles for publication, using a variety of referencing styles.

EndNote is useful for academics, researchers, postgraduate, higher degree and undergraduate students who need to manage a large amount of bibliographic data.

How do I obtain EndNote

Victoria University holds a site license for EndNote. All on-shore staff and students can download the EndNote software to their personal computers. Please note, the latest download for PC is Endnote_21_Win.EXE and for Mac's is EndNote21_MAC.dmg. To access, you need to go to vu.edu.au and click on 'Login' in the top right corner:


From there, staff and students can select the appropriate option. Students and staff should use their usual AD login to access:


Once logged in go to My Resources > Downloads > VU Apps (see steps below). You will be able to download the current and previous versions of the EndNote software for both Windows and Macs




The EndNote software is located towards the end of the VU apps page. Select the latest version (EndNote 21) of EndNote available. For Windows, select the .exe file, and for Mac select the .dmg file. It is always a good idea to check EndNote's Compatibility and System Requirements before downloading a software. It is possible that your computer has security settings that prohibit the installation of new software on your computer. If that is the case, please contact ITS on 9919 2777 for assistance.


Open the Staff Portal and select the Apps Dashboard. You will be able to download the current and previous versions of the EndNote software for both Windows and Macs:


Scroll down to the Technology Support & Technology section and click on Software Downloads.

From there you just need to select the latest version of EndNote available. For Windows, select the .exe file, and for Mac select the .dmg file. It is always a good idea to check EndNote's Compatibility and System Requirements before downloading a software. It is possible that your computer has security settings that prohibit the installation of new software on your computer. If that is the case, please contact ITS on 9919 2777 for assistance.


Working on more than one computer

Planning on accessing your EndNote library on more than one computer? Watch this short video first:


     This content is licensed to Victoria University under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.