EndNote: Endnote Training Videos

Using EndNote to manage your references and format your bibliography

1. Before you begin

  1. It is vitally important that you take a moment to consider where you are going to store your EndNote library. If the storage location is a network drive or an external drive, this can pose a latency issue with saving and sending information that can disrupt the library. Even more disruptive can be ANY process that attempts to copy EndNote Library files while the EndNote library is open. This includes any backup process that dynamically scans, and transfers data. Please avoid iCloud, DropBox, OneDrive, SuiteSync, GoogleDrive, Box, etc.[1] It is recommended that Mac users read the following article before proceeding with Endnote: https://support.alfasoft.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000976437-EndNote-iCloud-Sync-and-storage-location
  2. To download the latest version of Endnote (available free to all VU staff and students) refer to How do I obtain Endnote?
  3. If is highly recommended you Sync Your EndNote Library if you are planning to work from more than one computer. Also to act as an all-important back up for your library

[1]Alfasoft. Storage location for EndNote libraries. Sweden: Alfasoft, 2021. https://support.alfasoft.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001311578


2. EndNote in six minutes

The following six-minute training videos will give you a quick introduction into the basic functionality of Endnote including how to create your Endnote library, and importantly, where to save it:


You can find the full suite of EndNote online training videos at https://www.youtube.com/user/EndNoteTraining/featured.


3. How to import a reference style

4. How to manually add a reference

5. How to export references from Google Scholar

6. How to attach a PDF to a reference in your library

7. CWYW: Editing Citations

The following videos demonstrate how to edit EndNote citations in Word. It is important that you edit citations in the correct way, as failing to do so will lead to damaging the documents field codes. The video is demonstrated in EndNote version X8, but the steps are the same regardless of which version of EndNote you are using: