Hein Online Resources
Hein Online has an extensive collection of full-text Australian and overseas law journals. Primary materials from the US and UK including the English Reports and US Code. A range of subject based collections covering topics such as women and the law, religion and the law, international law, constitutional law and legal history.
- Search or browse Hein Online to find your chosen article.
- Click on the article title to view the detailed record for the article.

- Click on the 'Permanent link to this page' ("chain link") icon just above the article view to get the permanent link. Note: This link will require redirecting via OpenAthens.

- Select and copy (Ctrl-C) the link from the pop-up to use in the OpenAthens Link Generator.

- Open the VU OpenAthens link generator (https://go.openathens.net/generate/vu.edu.au/71775300), ensure that Victoria University is selected (1), paste in the URL (2) and click 'Copy' (3). (Note that the URL disappears and the OpenAthens link is automatically generated).

- Paste the OpenAthens link into your Readings module as needed.