Permanent links from Library Resources: Hein Online


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How to create a Permanent Links in Hein Online?

Hein Online Resources

Hein Online has an extensive collection of full-text Australian and overseas law journals. Primary materials from the US and UK including the English Reports and US Code. A range of subject based collections covering topics such as women and the law, religion and the law, international law, constitutional law and legal history.

  • Search or browse Hein Online to find your chosen article.
  • Click on the article title to view the detailed record for the article.

Screenshot of the Hein Online results page highlighting the hyperlinked article title that takes the viewer to the detailed article view.

  • Click on the 'Permanent link to this page' ("chain link") icon just above the article view to get the permanent link. Note: This link will require redirecting via OpenAthens.

Screenshot of the detailed article view in Hein Online, highlighting the 'Permanent link to this page' icon, which looks like a chain link.

  • Select and copy (Ctrl-C) the link from the pop-up to use in the OpenAthens Link Generator.

Screenshot detail from Hein Online showing the 'Permanent link to this page pop-up with the permanent link highlighted for copying.

  • Open the VU OpenAthens link generator (, ensure that Victoria University is selected (1), paste in the URL (2) and click 'Copy' (3). (Note that the URL disappears and the OpenAthens link is automatically generated).

Screenshot of the OpenAthens interface showing a Hein Online link being redirected.

  • Paste the OpenAthens link into your Readings module as needed.