emerald Database
- Access the article through the Emerald database
- Once you have identified the relevant article in the results list, right-click on the HTML link and click on 'Copy link address' in the pop-up menu, and paste this link into the OpenAthens Link Generator

- Open the VU OpenAthens link generator (https://go.openathens.net/generate/vu.edu.au/71775300), ensure that Victoria University is selected (1), paste in the URL (2) and click 'Copy' (3). (Note that the URL disappears and the OpenAthens link is automatically generated).

- Paste the OpenAthens link into your Readings module as needed.
emerald via Library Search
- Locate the article in the Library Search
- From the Library Search results list, click on 'Find this article in full text from Emerald'

- OR, from the article details page in the Library Search, look for the link on the left-hand side

- Following the link from the Library Search will take you directly to the article landing page in Emerald, where you can copy and paste the URL from the address bar and paste this link into the OpenAthens Link Generator

- Open the VU OpenAthens link generator (https://go.openathens.net/generate/vu.edu.au/71775300), ensure that Victoria University is selected (1), paste in the URL (2) and click 'Copy' (3). (Note that the URL disappears and the OpenAthens link is automatically generated).

- Paste the OpenAthens link into Readings as needed.