Permanent links from Library Resources: O'Reilly


ebooks in O'Reilly

Access the e-book through the O'Reilly database.

  • Once you have located your chosen book, copy the URL from the address bar. IMPORTANT: This URL will need to be amended to ensure authenticated access on and off campus

Screenshot of a book in O'Reilly, URL highlighed

  • Using Notepad, Word, or similar; place the following prefix in front of the URL, making sure to leave no spaces. Note the forward slash ' / ' at the end of the prefix, and do not leave out:
  • In the example above the link is:
    • With the prefix:
  • This amended link can be copied and pasted to use in the Readings (eReserve+) module in VU Collaborate.

Chapters in O'Reilly

  • Once you have found the book in O'Reilly, open the contents menu in the top-right corner:

Screenshot of book in O'Reilly, Contents button highlighted.

  • Navigate to the chosen chapter from the Contents:

Screenshot of book in O'Reilly, chapter in contents highlighted.

  • Once chapter is open, copy URL from the address bar. IMPORTANT: this URL will need to be amended to ensure authenticated access on and off campus:

Screenshot of Book chapter in O'Reilly, showing chapter URL highlighted

  • Using Notepad, Word, or similar; place the following prefix in front of the URL, making sure to leave no spaces. Note the forward slash ' / ' at the end of the prefix, and do not leave out:
  • In the example above the link is: 
    • With the prefix:
  • This amended link can be copied and pasted to use in the Readings (eReserve+) module in VU Collaborate.

Sections in O'Reilly

In some O'Reilly books the subsections are listed in the Contents, under each Chapter:

  • Once you have found the book in O'Reilly, open the contents menu in the top-right corner:

Screenshot of a book in O'Reilly with Contents button highlighted

  • Navigate to the chosen section from the Contents:

Screenshot of book in O'Reilly, section in contents highlighted

  • Once section is open, copy URL from the address bar. IMPORTANT: this URL will need to be amended to ensure authenticated access on and off campus:

Screenshot of book in O'Reilly Section URL highlighted

  • Using Notepad, Word, or similar; place the following prefix in front of the URL, making sure to leave no spaces. Note the forward slash ' / ' at the end of the prefix, and do not leave out:
  • In the example above the link is: 
    • With the prefix:
  • This amended link can be copied and pasted to use in the Readings (eReserve+) module in VU Collaborate.

Sections listed at the beginning of each chapter

In some O'Reilly books the subsections do not appear in the contents, but are listed (hyperlinked) at the beginning of each chapter:

  • Navigate to the relevant chapter from the Contents:

Screenshot of a book in O'Reilly with a chapter highlighted in the Contents

  • Once the chapter is open, note the hyperlinked subsections under the chapter heading, click on the relevant subsection:

Screenshot of book chapter in O'Reilly, showing hyperlinked section headings at start of chapter

  • Once section is open, copy URL from the address bar. IMPORTANT: this URL will need to be amended to ensure authenticated access on and off campus:

Screenshot of section in a book in O

  • Using Notepad, Word, or similar; place the following prefix in front of the URL, making sure to leave no spaces. Note the forward slash ' / ' at the end of the prefix, and do not leave out:
  • In the example above the link is: 
    • With the prefix:
  • This amended link can be copied and pasted to use in the Readings (eReserve+) module in VU Collaborate.

Videos in O'Reilly

  • Search for video content
  • Use the Contents menu on the  right side to navigate to individual videos from video suite

Screenshot showing where to find the URL for an OReilly text. URL in address bar highlighted

  • Using Notepad, Word, or similar; place the following prefix in front of the URL, making sure to leave no spaces. Note the forward slash ' / ' at the end of the prefix, and do not leave out:
  • In the example above the link is:
    • With the prefix:
  • This amended link can be copied and pasted to use in the Readings (eReserve+) module in VU Collaborate.