Permanent links from Library Resources: Westlaw - Australia


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How to create Permanent Links in Westlaw - Australia?

Westlaw - Australia Resources

Westlaw - Australia has an extensive collection of Australian primary and secondary legal sources including law reports, law journals, commentaries, and a legal encyclopaedia.

  • Locate the document you wish to link to.
  • Click on the blue 'Copy Link' icon to the lower, far-right of the case title.

Screenshot of the case detail in Westlaw Australia with the Copy Link button highlighted

  • Copy the link. IMPORTANT: This link will need to be amended to ensure access both on and off campus

Screenshot of 'Copy link to this page' pop up in Westlaw Australia, the Copy button is highlighted

  • Using Notepad, Word, or similar; paste in the Westlaw Australia link and place the following suffix at the end of the URL, making sure to leave no spaces.
    • &groupid=victoriauniversity
  • In the example above the link is:
  • With the suffix:
  • This amended link can be copied and pasted to use in the Readings (eReserve+) module in VU Collaborate.