The Vaccari Collection contains over 4000 unique titles and was formed in 1990 from donations and financial support given to Victoria University Library by the Vaccari Foundation. The closure of the Australian Institute of Multicultural Affairs Library in 1992 added significantly to the Vaccari Collection. Since its formation the Vaccari Collection has been augmented by donations large and small, with over 600 items donated by individuals since 1990. In 1996 the closure of the Melbourne branch of the Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research Library resulted in the donation of over 700 new books to the Vaccari Collection.
The Vaccari Foundation funded the Vaccari Vertical file project from 1997-1999. This three year project enabled the Library to catalogue the Vertical File of 3570 articles that were donated to the Vaccari collection from researchers in the Faculty of Arts at VU and from the Australian Institute of Multicultural Affairs Library.
Thirty-six rare Italian language articles from the Vaccari Collection Vertical File were translated and are available to researchers online via the VU Library Catalogue. Both the original article and the English translation are available. The three year project (2000-2003) was funded by the Gualtiero Vaccari Foundation.
Links to the articles: