VU Special Collections - How to access and use: 2021 Exhibition

Books in the Special Collection (2021 at Footscray Park campus)

This Exhibition is on-site at Footscray Park library, Victoria University, 15 July - 30 October 2021. The books were selected from those which were part of the ONLINE Exhibition in 2020 when there was no access to the physical collection.

Come along to the library and have a look at the physical items. You might see are few surprises in the size of the item or whether it is a hardcopy or paperback,

The Special Collection

[cabinet in Learning Hub space, Level 2, Footscray Park campus library]


  • Australian Literature
  • Western Suburbs History
  • Transport
  • History
  • All things Australian

Download the following PDF for the full list of books on display. Link through to the catalogue for book details.

PNG [Papua New Guinea] and the Pacific Collection

[cabinet near library service desk, Level 2, Footscray Park campus library]


  • Language & Culture
  • Regional History
  • Social Structures
  • Community & Economic Development
  • Physical Space and Place

Download the following PDF for the full list of books on display. Link through to the catalogue for book details.

John & Shirley McLaren Collection

[cabinet near staircase and lift, Level 2, Footscray Park campus library]


  • Stories and Storytellers
  • Poems and Plays
  • Multiculturalism
  • Australian Stories
  • Connections to Collections

Download the following PDF for the full list of books on display. Link through to the catalogue for book details.

Ruth & Maurie Crow Collection

[cabinet near ITS kiosk, Level 2, Footscray Park campus library]


  • Urban Planning
  • Women's Issues
  • Labour Economics
  • Social Issues & Services
  • Conservation

Download the following PDF for the full list of books on display. Link through to the catalogue for book details.